“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

How are you supposed to know what you want to accomplish in life ?
How should you select your very first job ?
Which tools and actions will help you identify your career path and follow it ?

Working as an independent designer, helping my clients create new products and services, I discovered that many design principles can be used in order to build your professional life.

So last year, for the Alumni Day 2018, I designed a conference for Rennes School of Business Alumni Day. Its title was « Be yourself, everyone else is already taken », a famous and beautiful quote from the great Oscar Wilde. I came back in Rennes last February to give it in English 🙂

In these 120 minutes together, I want to show you how thinking like a designer can actually help you build your professional vision. I want to share some learnings from my own experience, I want to show you what science teaches us about some fundamental aspects of happiness at work. And above all, I want to give you some tools and tips in order for you to feel less lost and lonely facing the designing of your career.

The French version of the conference is here :

This conference has been recorded and edited by the talented Anna Wien. It is now available on Youtube. You can click on the picture above to discover how design methods and tools can help you design better your professional projects.

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